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029418100, 1115036, 1115037, 1115038, 1115039, 1115081, 1115082, 1115083, 1115084, 1115085, 1115086, 1115087, 1115088, 1115091, 1115094, 1115096, 1115097, 1115098, 1115099, 1115100, 1115104, 1115105, 1115110, 1115112, 1115114, 1115115, 1115116, 1115118, 1115119, 1115120, 1115121, 1115122, 1115123, 1115125, 1115131, 1115132, 1115136, 1115137, 1115139, 1115152, 1115154, 1115156, 1115157, 1115158, 1115159, 1115160, 1115161, 1115162, 1115163, 1115164, 1115165, 1115169, 1115170, 1115171, 1115174, 1115176, 1115179, 1115190, 1115191, 1115192, 1115200, 1115201, 1115202, 1115204, 1115205, 1115206, 1115207, 1115209, 1115210, 1115211, 1115212, 1115213, 1115214, 1115216, 1115217, 1115218, 1115219, 1115220, 1115221, 1115224, 1115225, 1115230, 1115231, 1115233, 1115234, 1115238, 1115244, 1115247, 1115249, 1115263, 1115264, 1115266, 1115268, 1115269, 1115273, 1115274, 1115287, 1115288, 1115292, 1115293, 1115295, 1115297, 1115298, 1115349, 1115350, 1115351, 1115407, 1115409, 1115410, 1115412, 1115419, 1115422, 1115423, 1115424, 1115425, 1115428, 1115429, 1115430, 1115432, 1146871, 1164587, 167218100, 1688212, 1847896, 1929496, 1937426, 1962049, 200692, 2084847, 2095223, 2243307F10, 2243310W00, 2243310W10, 2243311M00, 2243311M10, 2243361W01, 2243361W11, 22433AA021, 22433N8701, 22433N8711, 2244807F15, 22448D1810, 22448W8900, 2495531, 2731021050, 2958188, 30500634672, 30500634673, 30500SA0962, 30500SA5003, 30500SA5013, 30500SA5033, 30500SA5623, 30500SB0013, 3145125, 3151499, 3173292, 3181788, 3202197, 320552810, 3208343, 3208861, 3208863, 329882800, 329882810, 3341083020, 360718100, 378231, 395818100, 395918100, 420552000, 420552002, 429602000, 429602002, 429882002, 429887100, 429887310, 4386220, 4514967, 7700555593, 7700569597, 7700669324, 8125028, 835696, 8941097600, 8941102680, 8972332340, 9091902006, 9091902018, 9091902022, 9091902042, 9091902055, 9091902070, 9091902073, 9091902078, 9091902083, 9091902109, 9091902117, 9091902144, 94021432, 94023222, 94208736, 94219669, 94233234, 94235997, D0RY12029A, D1RY12029A, D27Z12029A, FE8518100, FE8718100, MD003804, MD003806, MD003820, MD003823, MD003824, MD069937, MD073079
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$12.25 $0.00 + Sold in packs of 1x1 $12.25
FVP UC12F Info  
Flag indicates this part fits vehicles sold in the USA. It does not indicate where the part was made -- manufacturers produce parts in multiple factories worldwide. 12V w/ External Resistor
029418100, 0370181000, 0823181000, 086618100, 1115036, 1115037, 1115038, 1115039, 1115081, 1115082, 1115083, 1115084, 1115085, 1115086, 1115087, 1115088, 1115091, 1115094, 1115096, 1115097, 1115098, 1115099, 1115100, 1115104, 1115105, 1115110, 1115112, 1115114, 1115115, 1115116, 1115118, 1115119, 1115120, 1115121, 1115122, 1115123, 1115125, 1115131, 1115132, 1115134, 1115136, 1115137, 1115138, 1115139, 1115152, 1115154, 1115156, 1115157, 1115158, 1115159, 1115160, 1115161, 1115162, 1115163, 1115164, 1115165, 1115169, 1115170, 1115171, 1115174, 1115176, 1115179, 1115182, 1115190, 1115191, 1115192, 1115193, 1115200, 1115201, 1115202, 1115204, 1115205, 1115206, 1115207, 1115209, 1115210, 1115211, 1115212, 1115213, 1115214, 1115216, 1115217, 1115218, 1115219, 1115220, 1115221, 1115224, 1115225, 1115229, 1115230, 1115231, 1115233, 1115234, 1115238, 1115244, 1115247, 1115249, 1115263, 1115264, 1115266, 1115268, 1115269, 1115273, 1115274, 1115287, 1115288, 1115290, 1115292, 1115293, 1115295, 1115296, 1115297, 1115298, 1115349, 1115350, 1115351, 1115407, 1115409, 1115410, 1115412, 1115414, 1115419, 1115422, 1115423, 1115424, 1115425, 1115428, 1115429, 1115430, 1115432, 1120523, 1123553, 11913650790000, 12309046, 12336240, 12336821, 1336137, 1486136, 1496063, 152118100A, 156218100A, 1658431, 1658853, 167218100, 1688212, 1688215, 1818576, 1847896, 19017024, 19017050, 19017132, 1929496, 1937426, 1962049, 1972028, 200575, 200692, 2084847, 2095223, 2243307F10, 2243310W00, 2243310W10, 2243311M00, 2243311M10, 2243361W01, 2243361W11, 22433AA021, 22433N8701, 22433N8701MP, 22433N8711, 22433U2200, 2244807F15, 22448H7280, 22448W8900, 22448W8910, 2246207F10, 2246209F10, 2246209F15, 22462N8711, 2437606, 2444242, 249553, 2495531, 2731021050, 2958188, 30500634672, 30500634673, 30500679003, 30500SA0736, 30500SA0962, 30500SA5003, 30500SA5013, 30500SA5623, 30500SA7003, 30500SA7932, 30500SB0013, 30500SB0602, 30500SB2671, 30500SB2672, 30500SB3003, 30500SC2003, 3124631, 3131499, 3144688, 3145125, 3145641, 31500SA5003, 31500SB0013, 3151499, 3157219, 3173292, 3181788, 3202197, 320552800, 320552810, 3208343, 3208861, 3208863, 329882800, 329882810, 3341082050, 3341083020, 360718100, 360718100B, 395818100, 395918100, 4158493, 420552000, 420552002, 420557000, 420557100, 4261940, 429602000, 429602002, 429882002, 429887100, 429887300, 4298873001, 429887310, 429887700, 4386220, 5813660050, 7700555593, 7700569597, 7700669324, 8125023, 8125028, 8300584, 8502098, 8506636, 8539835, 8539853, 87879, 8941011310, 8941097600, 8941102680, 8941271820, 8941271831, 8941303550, 8942023222, 8942196690, 8942332340, 8942543821, 8N5220, 9091902006, 9091902018, 9091902021, 9091902022, 9091902024, 9091902025, 9091902029, 9091902034, 9091902037, 9091902039, 9091902042, 9091902047, 9091902055, 9091902056, 9091902057, 9091902058, 9091902069, 9091902070, 9091902073, 9091902076, 9091902077, 9091902078, 9091902083, 9091902102, 9091902104, 9091902109, 9091902111, 9091902113, 9091902117, 9091902118, 9091902144, 94021432, 94023222, 94110268, 94204376, 94208736, 94219669, 94233234, 94235997, 9825135050, D0RY12029A, D1RY12029A, D27Z12029A, E2PJ12029AA, E5AZ18100, E7GZ12029A, F80218100B, FE8518100, FE8718100, J200692, J3124631, J3141499, J3144688, J3145125, J3145641, J3151499, J3157219, J3173292, J3181788, J3202197, J3208343, J3208861, J3208863, J8125028, MD003804, MD003806, MD003814, MD003820, MD003823, MD003824, MD01780, MD025703, MD069937, MD073079, MD092348, MM115565, MM115566, T0555593
FVP UC12Fclose
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$12.44 $0.00 + Sold in packs of 1x1 $12.44
Standard Replacement collapse
WVE 5C1026 Info  
Flag indicates this part fits vehicles sold in the USA. It does not indicate where the part was made -- manufacturers produce parts in multiple factories worldwide. 12 volt; w/ External Resistor
029418100, 059905105B, 059985164, 1115087, 1115091, 1115134, 1115202, 1115208, 1115238, 1115381, 1120523, 1123553, 12337166, 1486136, 1496063, 1626875, 1658431, 1658432, 1658433, 1658853, 1688212, 1688215, 1818576, 200575, 200692, 201522, 201838, 2084847, 2243310W00, 2243310W10, 2243311M00, 2243311M10, 2243361W01, 2243361W11, 22433AA070, 22433AA071, 22433N8700, 22433N8701, 22433N8701MP, 22433N8711, 22433U2200, 22448H7206, 22448H7216, 22448H7217, 22448H7218, 22448U6701, 22448U6711, 22448U6712, 22448U6713, 22462W8900, 22462W8910, 2444242, 2444861, 2495531, 30500634640, 30500634672, 30500634673, 30500659005, 30500689003, 30500689671, 30500689672, 30500692003, 3145125, 3151499, 3173292, 3181788, 3202197, 320552810, 3208343, 3208861, 3208863, 329882800, 329882810, 383444, 395818100, 395918100, 398806529A1, 4158493, 420552000, 420552002, 4261940, 429882000, 429882002, 429887100, 5C1272, 7700555593, 7700562180, 7700569597, 7700586552, 8125028, 8300584, 8502098, 8506636, 854337700, 88921288, 9091902005, 9091902024, 9091902025, 9091902037, 9091902039, 9091902042, 9091902047, 9091902048, 9091902055, 9091902056, 9091902057, 9091902058, 9091902069, 9091902070, 9091902071, 9091902073, 9091902076, 9091902077, 9091902078, 9091902083, 9091902102, 9091902109, 9091902111, 9091902117, 9091902118, B6A12029A, B6A12029B, D0PZ12029A, D1RY12029A, D27Z12029A, D2AF12029A, D4AZ12029A, D5PZ12029A, FAB12029A, FAB12029B, FAC12029A, J0737461, J3151499, J3173292, J3181788, J3187837, J3202197, J3208343, J3208861, J3208863, J8125028, MD003800, MD003801, MD003804, MD003806, MD003820, MD003823, MD003824, MD069937, T0555593, T0562180, T0569597, T0586552
WVE 5C1026close
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$20.79 $0.00 + Sold in packs of 1x1 $20.79
NGK 49030 NGK Canister (Oil Filled) Coil (Instant $3 Off Manufacturer Rebate!)  Sale! Info   One of our most popular parts
Flag indicates this part fits vehicles sold in the USA. It does not indicate where the part was made -- manufacturers produce parts in multiple factories worldwide. 12 Volt; with External Resistor
029418100, 059905105B, 059985164, 1115087, 1115091, 1115134, 1115202, 1115208, 1115238, 1115381, 1120523, 1123553, 12337166, 1626875, 2243310W00, 2243310W10, 2243311M00, 2243311M10, 2243361W01, 2243361W11, 22433AA070, 22433AA071, 22433N8700, 22433N8701, 22433N8701MP, 22433N8711, 22433U2200, 22448H7206, 22448H7216, 22448H7217, 22448H7218, 22448U6701, 22448U6711, 22448U6712, 22448U6713, 22462W8900, 22462W8910, 30500634640, 30500634672, 30500634673, 30500659005, 30500689003, 30500689671, 30500689672, 30500692003, 320552810, 329882800, 329882810, 395818100, 395918100, 420552000, 420552002, 429882000, 429882002, 429887100, 7700555593, 7700562180, 7700569597, 7700586552, 8300584, 8502098, 8506636, 854337700, 88921288, 9091902005, 9091902024, 9091902025, 9091902037, 9091902039, 9091902042, 9091902047, 9091902048, 9091902055, 9091902056, 9091902057, 9091902058, 9091902069, 9091902070, 9091902071, 9091902073, 9091902076, 9091902077, 9091902078, 9091902083, 9091902102, 9091902109, 9091902111, 9091902117, 9091902118, B6A12029A, B6A12029B, D0PZ12029A, D1RY12029A, D27Z12029A, D2AF12029A, D4AZ12029A, D5PZ12029A, FAB12029A, FAB12029B, FAC12029A, J0737461, J3151499, J3173292, J3181788, J3187837, J3202197, J3208343, J3208861, J3208863, J8125028, MD003800, MD003801, MD003804, MD003806, MD003820, MD003823, MD003824, MD069937, T0555593, T0562180, T0569597, T0586552, U1173
NGK 49030close
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$23.79 $0.00 + Sold in packs of 1x1 $23.79
ACDELCO U505 Professional Info  
Flag indicates this part fits vehicles sold in the USA. It does not indicate where the part was made -- manufacturers produce parts in multiple factories worldwide. w/ External Resistor; 12 Volt
ACDELCO U505close
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$42.79 $0.00 + Sold in packs of 1x1 $42.79






